Friday, July 18, 2008
Friday, July 04, 2008
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
let the pictures speak
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
the consistency of waves
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
We have been decompressing as a family.
We got away from our house, jobs and regular routines and spontaneously clung to one another for comfort, sharing our grief, anger and sorrow. Being near the awesomeness of the ocean was like medicine for our souls.
The funeral will be this Friday and all week, distant family will be arriving here and there. It feels like this is all happening too fast, yet taking forever to creep near any closure.
I thank you all for your prayers and concerns and I have a lot to share with you as my brain processes all of this.
LOVE holds
us together
and we are
a team :)
All of us
are a
Thursday, June 12, 2008
about face
I don't even know where to begin...
My husbands father is dying. We have been struggling with many serious decisions. Life ending decisions that are brutal, feel cold and empty. All that surrounds me is sadness and anger and this never ending feeling of helplessness.
Looking death in the face is scary and unnatural. The pain is tangible, a deep stab right into the heart and I can't seem to breathe enough air into my lungs. I feel like I'm physically crying for everyone in the family because they are all trying so hard to be strong.
Pops is in the ICU and I am not allowed in there because of my compromised immune system. I can still smell that place because of Mark's extended stay there. I think it's what nightmares smell like. So, I'm home alone all day and now...lately, all night long. I can feel him leaving, turning away from us all and facing a direction that is not to be followed. All I can do...the only words that will form in my brain and come out of my mouth are...
Goodbye Pops...
I'll see you...later
and thank you
for the
loving laughter.
***Pop's Spirit left this Earth at
2:00 am June 13, 2008***
Rest in Peace loved one
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
better the last
couple of days.
This flare was
one of the more
harsh I have
endured this
spring and it
warranted a visit
to see my doctor.
Blood tests galore,
a shot and some
scary low blood
pressure was
all part of the
But, I have the best doctor in the world who makes me feel better for just seeing him. He is indeed an angel in the disguise of a doctor. With berries ripening on the vine, I picked a few for my breakfast and sat with the sun on my face for just a quick moment. I am feeling thankful to be alive, to have family and friends that love me and a God that watches over me. I am always seeking for the lessons I have to learn on this journey with a weak body in tow. I often wonder if having lived with good health...would I have been too self absorbed, or even more selfish than I already am?
Friday, May 30, 2008
Baxter & Ellie
All Ears
God gave humans
the gift of precious animals
on loan
to keep us going
make us smile
and laugh
to give us tangible love
all day long
no matter what
if you don't have a pet
and you don't feel well
get one
because they know just what to do
right when you need it
all day
every day
how can I cry
when these two are here
to lovingly kiss away
each tear
that never seem to make it
to the ground
+++++++(Baxter just pressed this key on
see what I mean?
Monday, May 26, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I found this while rummaging through a junk drawer. You've gotta love those spontaneous memories that result from going to the mall with your kids. This is a huge button that Ang and I had made for daddy J many many moons ago. He loved it and had it on his desk at work for the longest time. It feels like we did this a lifetime ago...ah, good times :)
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
picture this...
We have a large planters picture box outside of our dinette kitchen area, which currently has marigolds in it...and a bit of something else? This is my husbands project, so I, cool and dry from inside the air conditioned window and he, hot and sweaty outside in his farmers hat, have this conversation...
tap tap tap on the window...
"Honey, we have weeds growing with the marigolds?"
"They're not's lettuce."
"Why did you plant lettuce with the flowers, when we have a perfectly large garden?"
"I'm using it for starters."
"Why there?"
"Because the marigolds will keep the lettuce safe."
"Safe from who?"
"Them!" as he points to the garden.
Evidently, we have starter stealer's(lettuce eating bugs)in our garden that are intimidated by adult sized lettuce, but have no problem consuming it in infant form. Marigolds have a potent smell that most bugs don't enjoy, so they stay clear of them. Therefore, creating a safe and pesticide free zone for starters. Ingenious...
...and I thought he was suffering from sun stroke.
Monday, May 19, 2008
the best kind of love

One of my favorite things is to be alert and capture a moment in time. Notice that something rare and special just passed between you and another. Recognize it for what it is, unrehearsed, spontaneous and a gift. Hold onto it, tuck it away and later on let it roam the halls of your mind. I had some of those this weekend...
Sissy made this face, one that I am so familiar with and it was the most striking image of her Grandma Kay. (God rest her soul) I told her so and she said, "You mean when I do thiiiiisss?" And she contorted her face, to which I responded, "No, the pretty one." I can feel Kay's presence in the room when this happens and get a strong sense of security that we are all still connected and it comforts me. I briefly closed my eyes to give it a moment to sink in.
My daughter stopped me in my tracks with this serious stare she gave me from across the dinner table at the restaurant. "Mom, you are really a beautiful woman." She said it very plain and simple, but I could tell that she had been really paying attention to other woman in her life and had done some mental comparing. I blushed at her tone of intent.
In the kitchen tonight I was observing my husband putting away the loose ends. He looked so handsome standing there, so sweet to be helping us girls clean the kitchen. He looked over at me with an intense look of admiration. "Are you really happy honey?" I asked. "Extremely" he replied and then gave me a gentle hug and kissed my face...I love having him to love.
I phoned my girlfriend Angela at the end of the weekend, checking in to see how her hellish week with Charley's battle with Cancer was going. She sounded happy to hear my voice and I was thrilled to hear hers. "Next week, let's try to carve out some "we" time...just a little." I stated. She then said, "Oh yes, I miss you too!" Even though the subject matter was glum, our voices weren't because our friendship is just as alive and thriving as Charlie is. In our hearts, we know that he will beat this and soon we'll have a party to celebrate it. I love having such a yummy frister in her.
So you see...I had a very relaxing weekend filled with the best kind of love, the unconditional kind.
Friday, May 16, 2008
this girl

is anticipating the arrival of her daughter, who just happens to be coming home for an extra unexpected weekend. We already know that we want Sushi for dinner, a really good chick flick and just maybe some shopping for summer pj's.
I can easily predict a few giggles, some cuddling and huge salads with everything you could possibly think of on them. She eats like a rabbit, nibbling various veggies all day long and a trip to Starbucks is in the stars. Jamba Juice will get a visit too and we can't forget those puppy kisses. The only yucky part is that these weekends seem to pass way too soon and before you know it, she is driving away again. *sigh*...
more importantly, this girl is one happy momma :)
Thursday, May 15, 2008
a box full of life...
As I went through the bags, I came across every remnant of fabric I ever sewed. My sons and daughters baby clothes, many staples like, bathrobes, shorts for Mark and dresses for Angela. The loads of pillows I have made throughout the years. Pajama's for the neighbor kids and my sisters. Curtains that I loved to often change. Stuffed Teddy Bears, Easter Bunnies and Doll clothes. And all the many matching skirts and dresses I created for Angela and I.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
fresh flames ~ SPC
Monday, May 12, 2008

taken by boho girl-Angela & Kelly
Our daughters turn into women, begin rearranging their priorities and spend their time away from home growing and learning how to fly. They fly rather well, because we were the lesson givers and by this time, each lesson carries within it the wisdom of 4 generations.
Angela was 10 pounds and 2 ounces. That told me something that I didn't quite get until a little while ago. She was born ready to go. Ahead in everything, according to the doctor's, Angela skipped over the newborn part and wanted to begin learning as soon as possible.
Her pink little tiny hand rested in mine and she would say, "Go momma, go!" So we went...and learned and went and learned some more...she was learning to fly. When the lessons were over, she packed her bags and headed to the other side of the world.
"Sometimes I regret letting you fly." words from a song sung by Ingrid Michaelson, "Highway."
Our children... flesh and bone come from us, personalities from themselves and their spirit...the Creator.
And, they were born to fly.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
all Mother's day

Thursday, May 08, 2008
The Big Bully

Cnn just reported that Blogging creates Bridges that bring Our World Together!!!
Mark needed you, I needed you and you were there for me...if YOU had not sent me the support that you did, I would have crumbled under the intense pressure that the grip of Death inflicts on people.
My Best Friend Angela is going through the worst part of the battle right now with her Husband fighting the last few bullies of Cancer. He is a fighter, but the Bully doesn't play Fair!!!
Please Please visit her site and leave her a comment like you left me when Mark was struggling to stay alive. I came home from the Hospital every single day and Survived off of your loving and supportive comments. Angela is one of those people who doesn't like to ASK for help, so I am ASKING.
You can go --->HERE<--- and lift Charlie up in prayer, light a candle for him, do whatever it is YOU do to include yourselves on yet another miracle across this BIG Beautiful World of OURS!
I whole heartily believe that MARK is alive today because of you!
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
not just one
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
fresh old lace ~ SPC
Sunday, May 04, 2008
how are you?

My Pastor and his wife have retired, moved to the opposite side of California and now there is this huge emptiness in my heart. I don't think I allowed myself to accept their departure until after it happened. Then it came crashing down in shreds of pieces. I just got off the phone with Mrs. Pastor (Wanda Mom) and didn't let myslf cry until we hung up. She sounds SO happy and peaceful I just couldn't ruin it with my sobs. I can't believe how selfish I feel about them, it's embarrassing and immature. Their children are very blessed to have two such precious people now permanently in their lives. I am green with envy. So, are you?
Friday, May 02, 2008
Thursday, May 01, 2008
the watchman
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
lovely view ~ lovely people

Thursday, April 24, 2008
do you know?

I haven't said much about Angela. She has a new beau who looks like a Greek god (a very beautiful big rugby playing man) and he is very tender hearted. I get to spend some time with him too. Enough time has passed between the two of them, that I need to let him experience the Momma side to me...the "you are holding my precious cargo" side. I'm expecting good things to transpire...and a few photo shoots :)
I am feeling anxious about leaving lil Baxter. He is almost 6 months old and hasn't left my side for one day. The bad thing about little dogs is their strong attachment and dependency on their masters, leaving them can be traumatizing. I think he knows something is up because he has been staring me down and whining these last few days. I'm going to miss him too.
Adventures...San Fransisco promises adventures and I plan on having a few myself and then sharing them with you upon my return, photo's included.
I hope you enjoy your weekend....
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
a whiff of geraniums

Monday, April 21, 2008
the why of strawberries

Why strawberries...
Strawberries are a delicious nutritious treat, but they tend to bring out this side of myself that I don't like very much. That hoarding, large portion, I must eat them all right now, part. I don't need to be that way anymore because my main Strawberry Eating Competitor(my daughter Angela) is now on her own. Yet, I still found the biggest juiciest vine ripened one in the bunch and devoured it in my car before pulling away from the roadside stand. I know there is nothing unusual about nibbling on your fruit before you even get it home to be washed, but for me it's the satisfaction that I just consumed the First and Best One in the bunch, ha ha!
This year with my daughter gone strawberries suddenly became...well...I guess, just strawberries. And to be honest, I didn't get that surge of satisfaction that usually accompanies the eating of that first strawberry of the year. I actually found them to be rather ordinary and they left teeny tiny little seeds between my teeth. A huge mound of them is now taking up a lot of space in my refrigerator and I fear that most of them will probably rot before I can even consume them. Yes, the power of the strawberry has been reduced to the excitement of a loaf of bread.
I am going to visit my daughter this week and planned to stop by our favorite strawberry stand on my way out. "Oh, she'll be so extremely thrilled when she sees them!" I thought. "I will hand her the most beautiful flat of the biggest beautiful strawberries I can find, listen to her joyful squeals and the clapping of her hands." I was beginning to feel the smallest return of their allure, when the phone rang...
"Hello?" I said, answering the phone.
"Hi honey, it's me" said my husband.
"So, have you left for the city(S.F.) to have dinner with our daughter?" I asked.
"Yes" he replied, "I just left the Strawberry Stand and I'm on my way now."
"What?!'re bringing her strawberries?!" I sputtered. "But you don't even EAT strawberries!" I whined
"What does that have to do with anything?" he asked very confused.
I sighed, "Oh...nothing."
So, I guess strawberries are going to have to be exciting all by themselves, no more competitions and no race to eat the most. I have to come up with a new ritual that involves plucking the BEST of the bunch so, all hail to the strawberry that I think is the best, of the rest, of the berries, that is. Next time, I'll buy some Champagne with my 1/2flat.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
she arrived!!!
<--"I'm cute"
Thursday, April 17, 2008
goings on in my corner...
duh duh duh, duhnnn
(pigeon's have scary eyes?)
"Well, excuse me." I dryly responded.
"And hey, that's my waterfall you're wobbling in."
He promptly jumped out, shook his feathers and decided that I wasn't a threat, so he began enjoying the sun and exploring my grass. Now, only those of you who are old enough to remember the puppet Bert from the children's show "Sesame Street" can appreciate the humor in watching this pigeon walk around my yard. He was 'doin the' (knee jerk) 'pigeon'... I smiled at the fond memory and watched Mr. Pige until he decided I was boring company.Baxter Binx proves to be a very entertaining puppy. He thinks he's Mr. Bad Dude, against my other dog Ellie, who is very lady like. Again, we are in the backyard, it's early morning, enjoying the peace and quiet that is our neighborhood...when this arrogant blue jay swoops down and pokes Baxter on the head!...he SCREAMS(like a girl)!
And I say,"Hey YOU... YOU'RE mean!"
I then proceeded to stand there(did I tell you I was in my pj's?)and yell at this bird, who is now perched on my roof, mocking me...and I'm wagging my finger at him with one hand, consoling my wounded puppy(just his ego)with the other hand, until...I hear this...manly...chuckle...uh......slyly trying to look around...dang, there's someone next door in their backyard!....
"So, there!" I quickly finish...and promptly slipped into my house.
(pretend picture is here)
(you will soon use your imagination :)
I love braids, I love to make them and unmake them, on myself, or someone else, it doesn't matter, I love braids. So, one night as I am watching TV, I took my then wet hair from the shower and proceeded to put a bunch of tiny little braids all over my head. (Yes, I'm a full grown woman and I know this sounds like something a child would do, but I think we've already established that I am a nerd.) I laughed, my husband laughed and I went to bed that way. (Hey, my arms hurt by then)
So, the next morning I wake up in braids with the additional boing of newly loose stray hairs that dry curly on my head and at 9:30am the doorbell rings. I peek and see that it is the Postman with my recent medicine order, that legally needs to be signed for. Now, this man has seen me in practically every form of dress you can think of, but never with braids streaming willy nilly from my skull?! In a panic I think(crap!)and I opened the door. I was blushing scarlet red and he opened his mouth to speak and nothing came out. I smiled...took the pen and board from his hand, signed it and then grabbed the medicine box saying,
"Thank you," while quickly closing the door before he could respond.
I leaned my back against the door while holding the box over my now pounding heart and (darn it!)...he just stood there for a moment. Now, you know what he was thinking and I know what he was thinking...I just hope that my entire small little postcard country town doesn't know what we were all thinking...sheesh!