I first heard the medical term "Brain Fog"
while reading a book on chronic pain and Lupus.
It is very similar to looking at an unfocused
picture. You know what the picture subject is,
but until it appears more clear (focused)
you are left with some missing pieces
and a desire to see it as it should be.
Brain Fog is different from forgetting,
a person actually can't remember the most
simple of tasks until the 'fog' clears.
This usually only happens under duress,
some of you out there might be thinking,
"Oh, so that's what it's called ;-)"
Yes, indeed, this happened to me today
with the simple task of braiding a necklace.
I absolutely sat there staring at it,
fumbled with it and for the life of me
could not figure out how to braid.
All of us girls and guys grew up
learning that skill, (basket weaving 101)
then we braided everything in sight.
I even remember braiding my spaghetti noodles
when I suffered dinner table boredom.
It was so frustrating knowing that it was
something that I could do in my sleep, but I
could not remember its simple rules. Then,
you begin to feel stupid, start talking to
yourself out loud and when the skill returns and
your fingers nimbly manipulate the cord,
all is well...until it happens again.
Technically, nerves are on temporary
overload and right themselves quickly.
So, it's spring and we all feel that sudden urge to purge ourselves of the less useful things in our lives. (Buzz Word = Downsize:)
Deni is great at this...while I received my Father's pack rat gene.
Here's my problem...
I packed a lot of my "things" (aka = crap) in April of 2006 thinking that our new house was going to be ready much sooner, well, I was wrong and now those things will be packed for many more months to come. I can hear J saying it now, "If you've been living all this time with that "crap" (:() in those boxes and haven't found a need for it all for this long....then it all should go, as it seems you can live without it.
I need that
"Oi, just get rid of it, woman!"
that I can hear
Denise saying
to me. Needless to admit,
it's Spring cleaning time
and I really do need to
down size my "stuff" (:-)
And how do these things all relate to one another?
Well, how am I supposed to part with my treasures
when I keep lapsing in and out of fogginess?
This condition makes decision making extremely
difficult and very stressful.
I guess I'm going to have to fly
my lil sis here to help me purge...okay love? *wink*
***Help me here fellow pack rats...how in the
world do you do it?***