A Childlike Woman Kid
I've been having
terrible insomnia...
I'm talking about,
it's 4 a.m.
and I feel wide awake.
I absolutely dislike
laying in bed wide awake,
so I find myself in other parts
of the house
in a zombie like
Also, I go through these really weird days now and then, where I feel completely detached from myself. It's as if I'm sleep walking or looking at myself from the outside and I literally 'feel' nothing. I day dream like crazy and I catch myself staring at things, but I look right through them and my brain is numb. I mean...if you were to ask me, "What were you just thinking about?" I would respond, "Nothing." I've suffered from depression off and on, so I know what that feels like. This is not depression...I don't feel sad, I don't cry or think negative thoughts...I'm just here. I'm taking up space, breathing in air and one day melts into the next at a sort of slow motion speed. I've decided to make an appointment with my counselor and in the meantime, recently spent some time in research mode. You know what I came up with?
PTSD ~ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder! I should have had an epiphany moment, but I didn't. I felt shocked and said, "What the heck?" I can't even embrace that diagnosis right now. I immediately turned off my computer and kind of freaked out. When I talk about it, I feel like I'm talking about someone else.
Yea, I've got a lot on my plate, but lupus and PTSD sounds really scary together.
And once again.... I'm a 45 year old woman, who feels like a child living in a really big big world and I'm so small that someone or something could just swallow me whole.