One of my favorite things is to be alert and capture a moment in time. Notice that something rare and special just passed between you and another. Recognize it for what it is, unrehearsed, spontaneous and a gift. Hold onto it, tuck it away and later on let it roam the halls of your mind. I had some of those this weekend...
Sissy made this face, one that I am so familiar with and it was the most striking image of her Grandma Kay.
(God rest her soul) I told her so and she said, "You mean when I do thiiiiisss?" And she contorted her face, to which I responded, "No, the pretty one." I can feel Kay's presence in the room when this happens and get a strong sense of security that we are all still connected and it comforts me. I briefly closed my eyes to give it a moment to sink in.
My daughter stopped me in my tracks with this serious stare she gave me from across the dinner table at the restaurant. "Mom, you are really a beautiful woman." She said it very plain and simple, but I could tell that she had been really paying attention to other woman in her life and had done some mental comparing. I blushed at her tone of intent.
In the kitchen tonight I was observing my husband putting away the loose ends. He looked so handsome standing there, so sweet to be helping us girls clean the kitchen. He looked over at me with an intense look of admiration. "Are you
really happy honey?" I asked. "Extremely" he replied and then gave me a gentle hug and kissed my face...I love having him to love.
I phoned my girlfriend
Angela at the end of the weekend, checking in to see how her hellish week with Charley's battle with Cancer was going. She sounded happy to hear my voice and I was thrilled to hear hers. "Next week, let's try to carve out some "we" time...just a little." I stated. She then said, "Oh yes, I miss you too!" Even though the subject matter was glum, our voices weren't because our friendship is just as alive and thriving as Charlie is. In our hearts, we know that he will beat this and soon we'll have a party to celebrate it. I love having such a yummy frister in her.
So you see...I had a very relaxing weekend filled with the best kind of love, the unconditional kind.