let's just say that the results from my latest test were not good. i have a new path to travel and i am in the process of accepting it. i actually feel some relief, rather than discouragement and both J and i came out of this with a different attitude about how we are living (or, not living) our lives. we have been stuck in a rut, waiting for some really big shoe to drop and that is no way to live. i especially feel like i want to do so much more with any energy i have, do things i have always wanted to do and spend time getting closer to the people i hold most dear to my heart.
if someone were to ask me a question like,
"Darlene, you have lived for 46 years on this Earth, what advice would you give to the world?" i think my answer would be...always stay close to your God, plan wisely, but don't wait too long and never take your body for granted...it's the only one you get. I have many plans, dreams and desires to fulfill, i want to be a busy girl doing all of those things. i am going to open my online shop, even if i have only one design to offer. i am going to explore even more healthy ways of eating. i am going to visit with my family more often. i am going to spontaneously do things with my girlfriends and i am going to become a more aggressive child in this big Universe of ours. i was always the squeaky wheel in my youth...where did that girl go? i liked her so much more than who i am today.
poor health has robbed me of my spunk and sparkle. i feel like it doused me with a waterfall and i have taken a long time to recover from it. my light used to burn so brightly and i abused it. i need to take my years of learning and use Wisdom as my guide. i need to Listen to my body, but Silence the Fear that it sometimes gives me. i need to say 'i love you' more often, but also receive when i am being loved in return.
"ignoring life never makes you feel better, it only exaggerates the lonely isolation that it causes."
I said that quote, Me, Myself and I.