I'm funny

I'm confident

I have a great profile

I'm extremely photogenic

and all of that, is exhausting for a puppy

Here are all the handsome men in my new family
(Kenny, Casey, Mark, Sean, Louis)

This is my Daddy (give me five!)

and I already rule my new home
For more pictures of the rest of my new family...
go here (Denise's blog)
It had been way too long since we had all seen each other. There were tears each time a different family member arrived and lots of hugging and kissing. Callie Lu commanded the center of attention and at the same time, we had more closure about Daisy going to doggie heaven. We cried while recalling fond memories and Callie licked our tears away to make us smile again. She is already loved by us all and is showing the signs of being a quick learner. If there is such a thing as feeling the past spirit from one dog into another, Daisy has given her approval of Callie. *You chose good Daisy Mae* :)
Being with my sisters is always a laugh fest. I appreciate the dorky sense of humor we all share. Denise looked beautiful, healthy and carries an even stronger sense of self. Her journey has given her a new wisdom that is tangible and she is more yummy than ever! We got to share the same sleeping arrangements, so this gave us some very special cuddly moments. I already miss her and love her even more than yesterday.
My parents are worn out from puppy rearing, but having all your children around you always energizes the atmosphere. I catch them smiling for no reason and see that proud parent look in their eyes. Every "Remember when..." story is still fun to recall and gets the same laughs. Memory treasures, each and every one.
We ate, shopped and watched movies, talked late into the night hours and woke to the excitement of a full house...
There is nothing like sharing family time all under one roof and the mingling of tears, laughter and good memories, to solidify the reasons why we love each other so much.